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H-CoDe Info

We had now four meetings in Marburg/Germany, Barcelona/Spain, Sofia/Bulgaria and Lodz/Poland. and now you find the results of our work.

In Lodz we signed a declaration that we will develope further our project ideas and implement all methods into our daily work.

All results and products now are available in all languages of the partners and additionally also in Fench. Tell us what you are thinking about this first step.

If you need more information don't hesitate to contact the coordinator:

Dieter.Schulze (a) inibia.eu 


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.


Antragsteller von H-CoDe
Arbeit und Bildung e.v.
Angelika Funk
Krummbogen 3
35039 Marburg
Email: funk (a) arbeit-und-bildung.de

Koordinator von H-CoDe
Dieter Schulze
Eichenallee 5
59514 Welver-Dinker
Email: Dieter.Schulze (a) inibia.eu

Who's Online

We have 12 guests and no members online

H-CoDe (Health COmpetence DEvelopment) is based on the experiences of the Grundtvig-Multilateral Project "50Fit - Employability and health precaution for long-term unemployed people 50 plus." Identified reasons of unemployment and barriers for the (re-)entering to the labour market are various health problems. The H-CoDe consortium resumed, that there is a lack of relevant experience, methods and curricula regarding other disadvantaged groups like young unemployed, woman, disabled and migrants e.g.. Longterm unemployment and social exclusion lead very often despite favourable conditions and sufficient personal skills to impaired health conditions and demotivation for work. The holistic approach of the developed instruments and curricula of 50Fit now shall be adapted to these
"new" target groups. The central importance of health prevention strategy will be defined as a cross-generational issue of an inclusive labour market
policy to address demographic change. Due to demographic change there are more goals that go beyond the results and recommendations from 50Fit

The consortium covers a wide range of experienced adult training institutions, umbrella organisation of adult trainer as well as other stakeholder-organisation and guarantees the wide dissemination and sustainability of the outcomes. Partners are coming from 8 EU-member states (Germany, Spain, Poland, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Belgium, Czech Republik) and from Turkey.

H-CoDe will produce/adapt from the innovation of 50 fit test curricula (reference curriculum:
www.rein-network.eu/50-fit/images/stories/contents-text/Curricula-lectures/reference%20curriculum.pdf) and different training methods for health precaution training for several groups of disadavantaged persons on the labour market. To improve the quality of the training also special guidelines and training modules for trainer are adapted and tested. These will include a competence profile of adult trainers according to European standards (EQF-level). That's why the consortium will develop and implement also a test and certifying system for the trainer on European level.

At least the consortium will develop common general guidelines for health precaution training for unemployed people for all professional stakeholder in adult training and labour market policy in general as well as recommendation for the cross-generational issue of an inclusive labour market policy to address demographic change.

The envisaged impact is the general consideration of the importance of health precaution training in adult training in a certified way on European level, the improvement of the training methods and the better success by the integration of unemployed from disadvantaged groups in the labour market. H-Code will give a sustainable answer to the requirements of the a new European labour market facing demographic challenges and as part of their new social inclusion objectives in the EU-strategy 2014-2020.